Tips for handling an IRD audit – Chinese (simplified) translation

English version



而近期稅務局集中精力關注所謂的“黑色”經濟 – 大多是那些由業主自營但缺乏強有效帳目管理的商家,尤其是那些現金交易佔比重較大的企業。這些商家的業主和僱員較有機會挪用現金而不申報納稅。

Read on “Tips for handling an IRD audit – Chinese (simplified) translation”

Submission to IRD and Government re IRD Audit and Communications

This section of our website sets out a number of issues that we often observe in respect of the way IRD manages audits and other communications with taxpayers.

The most recent development is our 5 May 2011 submission to the Minister and Commissioner of Inland Revenue, and an IRD response that in our view ducks nearly all the points we are making.

We will continue to pursue these matters in various forums.

Read on “Submission to IRD and Government re IRD Audit and Communications”

Disasters and donations

The amendment applies to trading stock (as opposed to other goods and assets), only to the Christchurch earthquake as opposed to other disasters, and only for four months after the two relevant earthquakes.
However it is in effect an acknowledgement that the existing legislation doesn’t cope with an urgent need to donate goods, and we are hopeful that in due course the provision could be widened further.
We thank CPA Australia, Business Roundtable and others for their support.

Read on “Disasters and donations”

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