IRD chasing foreign sourced income
Inland Revenue has recently confirmed that it has been exchanging financial information with overseas financial institutions and revenue authorities
See for example two IRD media articles in November 2019:
IRD has also begun a letter writing campaign:
- referring to the above strategy,
- IRD has received financial account information concerning foreign accounts from one or more jurisdictions in the 2018 and/or 2019 year
- Inviting a voluntary disclosure
We thoroughly agree with IRD’s approach to this apart from neglecting to recommend they get expert advice, instead recommending taxpayers contact IRD directly (like inviting you to watch a YouTube video to find out how to remove your own appendix).
We have published articles on these matters previously
If you do get one of these letters we invite to you contact us immediately at
Under the link below we have reproduced the text of a typical letter from IRD